2017 was an amazing year full of some very fun trips and photoshoots. I explored new styles and forms of photography including underwater and portraiture photography that I hope to do more of in 2018. Last month, I shared a video highlighting my year. Now, I’m excited to share a short collection of just a couple of my favorite images taken during 2017.
Thanks for taking a look!

I’ve been fortunate enough to make a couple trips out to Iceland over the years but this was the first time I was able to photograph the beautiful landscapes from the air.
Witnessing totality during the solar eclipse was one of the most surreal moments of my life.

Getting into underwater photography was a big part of my year and I plan on doing more in 2018!

Ice made for some really interesting compositional opportunities this past winter.

Before my trip to Bhutan, I had never done any portraiture or street photography. On my first day in the country, I was hooked! I hope to do more in 2018.